Offer Types

Learn what offer types do what and how best to utilise them

Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

Pingfluence provides a versatile suite of four offer types designed to streamline and enhance collaborations on our platform:

Ping Instant Offers: Ready for immediate redemption, these offers are perfect for quick engagements, such as coffee shop visits or discount promotions, where no prior vetting is necessary. They offer a hassle-free way to generate consistent content and boost your visibility. Our influencers undergo thorough vetting to ensure quality and reliability, guaranteeing that Ping Instant redemptions will elevate your brand's profile and increase the available content.

Ping Booking Offers: These offers are tailored for experiences that necessitate scheduling, such as restaurant reservations or personalized services. The platform’s sophisticated slot-based booking system enables you to predetermine optimal time slots for influencer visits. You retain full authority to approve booking requests with ease, ensuring collaborations align with your business objectives.

Ping Events Offers: Renowned for fostering a vibrant community, Pingfluence’s event offers cater to those seeking broad exposure. Set the date and time in advance, and then manage incoming requests with the option to accept or decline. This is particularly effective for launches or special occasions where community engagement can significantly amplify your message.

Ping Gifting Offers: For businesses looking to send products directly to influencers, Ping Gifting is the ideal choice. It allows influencers to express their interest, and you can then selectively approve participants. Once confirmed, you'll receive the necessary details to dispatch your products, putting you in complete control of the gifting process.

All offer types come with integrated email notifications, and for added convenience, there's the option to receive updates via WhatsApp, keeping you connected wherever you are.

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