Tier Your offers

How to tier your offers for better collaborations

Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

To optimize influencer engagement and maintain cost-effectiveness, consider implementing a stratified offering system.

This approach involves presenting a standard base offer, like "Dinner for 2," but varying the content obligations according to the influencer's follower count.

Why adopt this method?

As influencers accrue more followers, their capacity to generate revenue increases, leading to heightened expectations for compensation. A tiered system ensures that you can appeal to both emerging and established influencers by adjusting content requirements proportionally to their audience size.

Here's a simplified breakdown of how to calibrate your offers:

  • Influencers with 5k+ followers: Tasked with creating 1 reel and 1 story.

  • Influencers with 25k+ followers: Given the choice to create either 1 reel or 3 stories.

  • Influencers with 100k+ followers: Required to produce 2 stories.

This tiered structure ensures that your proposition remains attractive to influencers across different levels, fostering a diverse array of quality content creators.

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