Handling Requests

Best practise when handling influencer requests

Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

As your influencer partnership program gains traction, efficient management of incoming requests is crucial to sustain a steady influx of high-caliber influencers.

Each offer type ushers in distinct handling protocols:

Instant Redeem Offers: These offers are immediately utilized on-site by the influencer. They bypass the need for prior approval, streamlining the process for both parties.

Date and Time Bookings: Such requests will appear with the influencer’s preferred date and time for their visit.

To manage these, simply interact with the 'Respond' button to review the request in detail, including the proposed schedule and influencer's profile. Here, you are presented with three actionable choices:

  • Decline: Politely refuse the influencer's request.

  • Accept: Agree to the proposed date and time.

  • Request New Date: Consent to the collaboration but propose an alternative date.

Event Requests: Handling event requests is straightforward. Since you've predetermined the event's specifics, your response can be a clear accept or reject.

Gifting: For brands eager to disseminate products, the gifting route is advisable. Upon receiving a request, a simple accept or decline suffices. Post-approval, you gain access to the influencer's shipping details to facilitate product dispatch.

Post-Collaboration Protocol: After a partnership concludes, the influencer is required to submit their promotional content to the platform or link it through their social channels. This submission marks the request as complete.

It's vital to keep these processes organized and responsive. This ensures that you not only attract but also retain influencers who produce quality content, ultimately reinforcing your brand's presence and reach.

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