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What can an external recruiter view?

External recruiters have restricted access and can only view candidates they've added and comments they've added.

Edd Slaney avatar
Written by Edd Slaney
Updated over 8 months ago

Once you have invited an external recruiter to your pinpoint platform they will have a very similar view, to that of the admin panel.

The External Recruiters feature is only available on certain plans. Speak to your Customer Success Specialist for more details.

There are however some differences in the way that a recruiter can utilise the platform.

In the manage jobs section of the platform, recruiters can see all roles they have been given visibility over. However they will only be able to see the candidates they have personally uploaded into the role.

The recruiter will not be able to see messages, scorecards, or comments left by internal users in the candidate profile. They can leave their own comments for personal use.

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