Keep in mind that removing a wallet will block it from being added back to the account or any other account for 365 days
You must always have at least one wallet attached to your account to perform any task such as withdrawing, depositing, minting pets, buying/selling guild shards
You can only have two wallets attached to your account at any time
Which of the following matches your account?
Recommended Wallet Options:
Option 1: You have 1 Wallet Attached and want to add a different wallet
Step 1: Go to the Pixels Dashboard under the "Wallets" section
Step 2: Click Connect Secondary Crypto Wallet and choose a wallet option.
You may need to sign in your selected wallet. Please proceed.
Step 3: You will be asked to Re-authenticate.
Click Re-Authenticate, and log in again using your already connected methods (not your new method) and go to the Wallets section again
Step 4: Select the wallet option again, and the wallet will connect.
Option 2: You have 1 Wallet attached and want to change the wallet
Step 1: Follow all of the steps from Option 1.
Step 2: Click the trash icon for the wallet that you want to remove, and select Continue on the warning that pops up.
Now only the expected wallet will be attached to your account.
Option 3: You have 2 Wallets attached and want to change one
Step 1: Go to the wallets page on the dashboard, and click the trash icon on the wallet that you want to remove
Step 2: Click the trash icon for the wallet that you want to remove, and select Continue on the warning that pops up.
Step 3: Click Connect Secondary Crypto Wallet and choose a wallet option.
You may need to sign in your selected wallet. Please proceed.
Step 4: You will be asked to Re-authenticate.
Click Re-Authenticate, and log in again using your already connected methods (not your new method) and go to the Wallets section again
Step 5: Select the wallet option again, and the wallet will connect.
Option 4: You have 2 Wallets attached and want to change both
Follow all the steps from Option 3 for each of the wallets connected.