The basics
Your organization may offer flex time as a type of time off. You'll get an allowance of hours that you can take off from your regular schedule when needed. When you use flex time, you're allowed to be absent during your normal work hours, but you must work extra hours at a different time to make up for it. Your employer sets all the rules, like how many hours you can take and the timeframe for making them up.
Requesting flex time
Go to Request Time Off in the user app
Select the date you need time off
Choose Flex Time as the time off type
Enter your time off details:
Start time
Number of hours
When you'll make up the hours
Making up hours When you request flex time, you need to specify when you'll work the makeup hours. These hours:
Can't overlap with your regular shifts
Can't overlap with other time off
Must follow your organization's rules about when makeup hours can be worked
Example If you need Monday morning off:
Request 2 hours of flex time for Monday from 9 AM to 11 AM
Choose when you'll make up those hours (like Wednesday 12 AM to 2 AM)
Submit your request
The system will:
Shorten your Monday shift by 2 hours
Add a new 2-hour makeup shift on Wednesday
Add a note showing these hours are making up for Monday
Important notes
Not all organizations offer flex time and the rules for each employer can vary!