Merchant ID: To locate your Merchant ID, simply log in to your account and select "Account Settings" from the Side Menu.
Then locate the [Merchant Settings] button and click on it.
Merchant Settings
IPN Secret: In the "Merchant Settings" section, you should insert a IPN Secret (This is used to verify that an IPN is from us, use a good random string nobody can guess).
Important: Keep your IPN Secret confidential and do not share it with anyone. Sharing this key could compromise the security of your transactions.
IPN URL: HTTPS URL recommended (self-signed certs OK).
Callback Deposit IPN Coin/Currency: Select which coins you want to accept as payment by selecting the dropdown box in front of each coin.
Status/Log Email: If set payment status emails and positive feedback notifications will be sent to this email address. Otherwise they will be sent to your primary email address.
When To Receive Emails:
When a user submits a new payment to you.
When funds have been received by us for a payment to you.
When funds for a payment have been sent to you.
When a deposit is received on one of your deposit addresses.
Note: Once you have filled out all the fields and selected your preferences, do not forget to click the [Update Settings] button to save your changes.