To cancel your subscription to ubbu, press your name in the upper right corner, then press the My institution button.
On the page of your institution, press the Manage plan button.
On your plan page, press Cancel plan.
Read carefully the information about how much time you still have in your plan and what features you will lose once it expires:
Features you won't be able to use anymore
Lesson presentation
New student account creation
New class creation
Class graduation to new levels
New teacher invitations to your school
Exercises, quizzes and other resources won't be completable by your students
Features you'll still have access to
Past resources
Lesson reports
Student's past scores and projects
School profile
Warning: This action affects all other users in this account.
Will I still have access to ubbu after canceling?
You will still have access to your ubbu account after you cancel and your plan will remain active for the remaining period that was paid in the subscription.
After your subscription expires, you will still have access to your account but with limited functionality.
What happens to my data after my ubbu subscription expires?
ubbu keeps your information about you, your institution, and the students and teachers who belong to it. These are the features you will still have access to with an expired subscription:
Past resources
Lesson reports
Student's past scores and projects
School profile