Using sounds
Sofia Sapeira avatar
Written by Sofia Sapeira
Updated over a week ago

Have you ever created a game or story on ubbox and missed having sound in your animations?

Sounds are blocks tabs that will allow you to add audios to your projects. You'll find different styles of sounds, from robots to the ocean waves.

To add sounds to your project, follow these steps:

1. Edit a sprite;

2. Click on Sounds;

3. Choose the sound you want. You can select more than one;

4. Click on Confirm.

Now that the sprite has one or more sounds selected, we can edit them. Use the following blocks from the Sounds tab:

  • playSnd() plays audio- Plays the selected audio and executes the rest of the code without waiting for the sound to finish playing.

  • playSnd() plays the audio and waits - Plays the selected audio and waits until it’s finished, then runs the rest of the code.

  • stopSnd() stops playing - Stops playing all programmed audios or just the selected one.

  • fltrSnd() changes the volume to 100% - Changes the audio/tone by “x” %.

In this project you have to help Jaython find the party in one of the rooms. To find it you have to walk through the doors. As you approach the right door, the sound increases. To enter and exit rooms press the E key.

Change the code and make this project yours!

⚠️ - Loud sounds (such as shouting or certain types of music) can damage the hearing of certain users, especially if the volume is too loud or headphones are used. If you use these sounds, it is important that you inform them in the description of your project or, if possible, lower the volume of the audio.

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