We do allow a user to delete their account, and all personal and account data, if they no longer wish to be a member of our site.
Account deletion is non-reversible, meaning that once complete you will not longer be able to login to your account nor will you be able to retrieve any personal, wagering or deposit data.
If you would prefer to simply suspend your account until such time as you choose to play again, or so that you can continue to review your data in the future, please request an account suspension rather than deletion.
As our site does have legal, tax and regulatory requirements about recording and saving data, while your personal, wagering and transaction data will be inaccessible once you choose to delete your information, your data will be remain on our database for 12 months from the date of deletion in order to comply with taxation, self-exclusion and regulatory review, if so requested.
In order to delete your account data you must reach out to our Customer Service team and provide the following information in order to confirm that you are the authorized individual for that account.
In order to delete your account we require confirmation of the following information:
Your current email address
Date of Birth
Last 4 digits of your SSN
The value of the last wager or deposit you made with us
This information can be sent in via our live chat or via email to our support team. Once we receive this information we will confirm deletion of your account within 48hrs of your request. Again, this action is non-reversible so please take the time to ensure full account deletion is what you want rather than a simple account suspension.
Upon account deletion you will no longer be able to login to your account, your login details will be removed from our system, and you will no longer have access to any of your personal, transaction or wagering data.
Please reach out to a member of our Customer Support team if you have additional questions regarding account deletion.