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Project Reviews & Resubmissions

This article will assist you in capturing & resubmitting your project in the event that Plnar marked it for review.

Laura Moreno avatar
Written by Laura Moreno
Updated yesterday

Helpful tips to make your project resubmission easier for you!

It happens! Occasionally we make a mistake and have to go back to the drawing board. Luckily, there’s a fix for that. PLNAR is dedicated to helping you with your project resubmission to get your information to your adjuster as soon as possible.

Open the Plnar Snap app to get back to the Project:

  • By clicking the link in the text message you received, you'll be taken directly to the app and your project.

Photo Capturing Tips:

Please follow the in-app prompts for optimal photo capturing (the link to our video tutorial is below in case you'd like a refresher).

Plnar Snap Video Tutorial:

  • Brighten up the space by letting in as much light as possible.

  • Use the orange (+) button to Create a Room and remember to capture each room separately.

    • Use the same name as before and recapture (ex. Living Room)

    • If the space is an open concept floorplan, please block off rooms based on their individual living areas.

  • During the Corner Capture step, use the crosshairs and aim the device at the corner of the room where the wall meets the floor (or the floor corners).

    • After capturing one corner, move to the right to get the next one and proceed around the space in one direction until all corners are captured.

    • Aim through any obstacles/furniture encountered and capture where you think the corner is located.

  • Avoid stopping the flow of pictures after starting (ex: putting phone down for a few minutes before resuming)

  • Capture the room's details by following the guided flow of instructions. This includes the room's doors, windows, openings, cabinetry, as well as the visibile damage.

  • During video step, tap the capture button to begin recording and show a 360 view of the room.

  • Additional damage photos may be captured at the end of your photo sequence ie; corners, assets, and video capture.

Feel free to contact Plnar Support by using the chat icon found on this screen if you have any questions.

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