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Provides step-by-step instructions for implementing a variety of use cases.

Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

The following examples are set in the United States, but the methods and strategies described can be applied to any country.

Prevent customers from purchasing the product Red Shirt when their ZIP code is 12345 or 54321.

  1. From the dashboard, click Create rule.

  2. Select the ZIP Codes type when prompted.

  3. Give the rule a descriptive name, e.g. “Restrict Red Shirt from 12345 and 54321”.

  4. Set the country to United States.

  5. Set the action to Restrict ZIP Codes.

  6. In the products field, select Specific products.

  7. Click Add products and select the Red Shirt product.

  8. Keep the priority level set to Normal.

  9. In the ZIP Codes field, click Add new.

  10. In the Add ZIP codes window, insert “12345, 54321” and click Save.

  11. Click Save at the bottom of the page to create your new rule.

Only allow customers to purchase products in the Shirts collection when their state is Texas.

  1. From the dashboard, click Create rule.

  2. Select the States/Provinces type when prompted.

  3. Give the rule a descriptive name, e.g. “Restrict Shirts Outside of Texas”.

  4. Set the country to United States.

  5. Set the action to Allow only these states/provinces.

  6. In the products field, select Specific collections.

  7. Click Add collections and select the Shirts collection.

  8. Keep the priority level set to Normal.

  9. In the States/Provinces dropdown, select Texas.

  10. Click Save at the bottom of the page to create your new rule.

Prevent customers from purchasing the product Blue Shirt when their state is Colorado unless their ZIP code is 80202 (a Colorado ZIP code).

This example requires two rules: one to prevent customers from purchasing Blue Shirt in Colorado, and the second to allow customers to purchase Blue Shirt when their ZIP code is 80202. For this to work, the second rule must have a higher Priority level than the first rule.

  1. Create the first rule:

    1. From the dashboard, click Create rule.

    2. Select the States/Provinces type when prompted.

    3. Give the rule a descriptive name, e.g. “Restrict Blue Shirt in Colorado”.

    4. Set the country to United States.

    5. Set the action to Restrict states/provinces.

    6. In the products field, select Specific products.

    7. Click Add products and select the Blue Shirt product.

    8. Keep the priority level set to Normal.

    9. In the States/Provinces dropdown, select Colorado.

    10. Click Save at the bottom of the page to create your new rule.

  2. Create the second rule:

    1. From the dashboard, click Create rule.

    2. Select the ZIP Codes type when prompted.

    3. Give the rule a descriptive name, e.g. “Allow Blue Shirt in 80202”.

    4. Set the country to United States.

    5. Set the action to Allow ZIP codes.

    6. In the products field, select Specific products.

    7. Click Add products and select the Blue Shirt product.

    8. Set the priority level to High.

    9. In the ZIP Codes field, click Add new.

    10. In the Add ZIP codes window, insert “80202,” and click Save.

    11. Click Save at the bottom of the page to create your new rule.

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