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Learn everything about coupons and how to create them

Philippe Drolet avatar
Written by Philippe Drolet
Updated over 6 months ago

The purpose of this article is to help you learn what are coupons and how to create them.

Coupons allow you to offer your customers discounts. Each coupon has a unique code that your customer can apply to the coupon section of any Live Pricing & Real Time Booking Page in order to receive a special rate.

To create a coupon, navigate to your MioCommerce account and click on Coupons.

A new window containing all your coupons will appear. From there, click Create Coupon

Start by creating a name and a description for your coupon. These fields are for you and your employee's reference only. They are use to help you identify this coupon across the platform. Next, choose a coupon code, the coupon code will be typed in by your customers in order to receive the special rate associated to your coupon. Each coupon code must be unique.

Then, you need to set a discount for your coupon. Your discount can either be a fixed-rate ($) or percentage-based (%). Below, you can choose the audience targeted by your coupon. There are 3 options you can pick from: All Customers, Only Existing Customers or Only New Customers/Prospects.

Next, set restrictions to your coupon. The start date is the first day the coupon will be considered active, it is a mandatory field. If you'd like the coupon to expire, you can enter an End Date. If you leave the End Date empty, the coupon will never expire.

On the right, you can also select which days of the week the coupon can be used. For example, if Tuesday is checked, customers can only used the coupon to schedule a booking on Tuesday. This will only apply if your booking page has a date/availabilities section.

If you want to set up a maximum number of times the coupon can be used, enter a number greater than 0 in the "Max usage" field. Once the maximum has been met, this coupon will no longer be valid for further use. If you do not want to set a maximum usage, leave the box set to "0". If the "Single use per customers" box is checked, the system will use the customer's email address to distinguish one customer from the other, only allowing one use per customer.

The customer's total must not go below the minimum price or above the maximum price in order to use the coupon. If you do not want to set a minimum or maximum price, leave the boxes set to "0".

If you want the coupon to only be used on one time booking, check the first box. If you want the coupon to only be used on recurring bookings, check the second box. If you want your coupon to work on any type of bookings, check both boxes. This will only apply if your booking page has a frequency section.

If the coupon is applicable on recurring bookings, you can decide whether you want the coupon to be applied on the first booking of the recurrence only or on ALL bookings in the recurrence.

Finally, hit Create Coupon. Congratulations! Your Coupon is ready to be used, share the coupon code to get started!

What to do next? πŸ‘‰

Once you have a coupon. Learn how to track, edit, deactivate or activate your coupon.


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