On your Key Indicators dashboard, you'll notice a small percentage on the bottom lefthand corner of each metric that signifies the percentage increase or decrease in that metric compared to the previous period (or previous year, depending on how you have your date filters set). These increases and decreases can be highlighted in either orange or green, depending on whether the trend is beneficial for your store.
The percent change over time formula that Polar uses to visualize these increases and decreases is below:
(Current Value / Previous Value) - 1
Examples of Beneficial Trends:
In the metrics below, you can see that there was an overall increase in Sessions, and an overall decrease in Discounts (compared to the previous period set in the date filters). Both of these trends are beneficial for the store, and are highlighted in green.
Sessions experienced a 74% increase (meaning that the store had more sessions), from 27,051 to 47,159 in the set time period. This increase is highlighted in green, as this is a beneficial trend for the store.
Discounts experienced a -51% decrease (meaning that the store offered less discounts), from -β¬34.31K to -β¬16.81K in the set time period. This decrease is highlighted in green, as this is a beneficial trend for the store.
Examples of Non-Beneficial Trends:
In the metrics below, you can see that there was an overall decrease in Total Sales, and an overall increase in Returns (compared to the previous period set in the date filters). Neither of these trends are beneficial for the store, and are highlighted in orange.
Total Sales experienced a 38% decrease (meaning that the store did less in Total Sales), from β¬431.57k to β¬269.29k. This decrease is highlighted in orange, as this is not a beneficial trend for the store.
Returns experienced a 37% increase (meaning that the store offered more returns), from DKK 488,114.62 to DKK 668,352.82. This increase is highlighted in orange, as this is not a beneficial trend for the store.