The most common place to start tracking legislation is through Search. To track a procedure/bill:
1.) Click on Search from the main navigation
2.) Type in a keyword or topic of interest, or use the filters to narrow your search
3.) When you've found a procedure/bill you'd like to track, click on the blue "Track" button on the right side of a procedure/bill, the button will change color to yellow, indicating you've now tracked a procedure/bill
4.) You can add a procedure/bill to multiple Projects, to do so, check the box in the drop down menu next to each specific Project, your procedure/bill will be added to each specific Project
5.) To view tracked legislation, click on Projects, select a Project - you will see your tracked legislation
6.) When you track legislation, the procedure/bill is automatically updated, you'll receive an email notification whenever a change takes place (ex: vote, committee meeting, document, etc.)
Please note, when selecting the track button without selecting a specific Project, the tracked procedure/bill will be placed in your Personal Project.