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Procedure/Bill Details - Amendments

Explaining amendments management, bookmarking, and adding notes

Frank Witte avatar
Written by Frank Witte
Updated over a week ago

The Amendments tab contains all amendments tabled on a given procedure in the European Parliament. Amendments can be searched for keywords and topics of interest, filtered by legislator or committee, and bookmarked to easily find issues of importance. 

When viewing amendments on the Pro platform you will see two different views, on the left side the original text, and the right side the proposed text or changes.

In most cases you are only interested in a subset of the amendments on a given procedure, because of this you can bookmark only the amendments of interest, functioning as your amendments list on a tracked procedure. After bookmarking an amendment of interest you can also write notes or comments in the field directly beneath the amendment text. 

To bookmark an amendment:

1.) Go to the Amendments page within a procedure

2.) Locate the amendment you’d like to bookmark by searching or filtering the amendments

3.) In the top right corner of the amendment select the Star to bookmark the amendment

4.) Bookmarked amendments can be viewed by checking the Bookmarked box at the top of the amendment management page

To add a note to an amendment:

1.) Go to the Amendments page within a procedure

2.) Check the box Bookmarked to display only amendments already bookmarked

3.) Type a note and click Save

**Notes can only be added to amendments that have been bookmarked.

**Please note amendment management is only fully enabled for the European Parliament, in other legislatures amendments are included within the documents section, as a separate document.

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