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Cases FAQ

Frequently asked cases questions

Frank Witte avatar
Written by Frank Witte
Updated over a week ago

How do I track a Case in the Pro platform?
Tracking a case is easy. Click here to read how to track a case.

What happens when I track a Case? ย 
When you've found a case you're working with, or something of interest, tracking the case and adding to a Project is the simplest way to stay up to date on case developments. Cases pages include basic information about all cases, as well as access to related case documents, events, and press releases. When you track a case you will be notified via email of the latest updates and developments, this includes judgements, documents, events, and more.

Are cases included within Monitors?
Yes. Monitors include Cases. After setting up a Monitor, your results are updated automatically, scanning hourly for any new content within the platform related to your keywords and topics of interest. Anything detected will be automatically added to your Monitor inbox.

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