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How notifications work

You can set up your Pro Service to get notifications, like daily briefings, legislative updates, and important news

Frank Witte avatar
Written by Frank Witte
Updated over a week ago

Notifications are delivered primarily to your email inbox, you can configure notifications for:

  • Policy Reporting (subscribed policy area news)

  • Pro Intelligence (data updates)

Policy Reporting

By default, you’ll receive email notifications when new Pro articles and alerts from your subscribed policy areas are published. You’ll also newsletters including the Pro Morning briefings, Week Ahead events, and Daily Pro Headlines. You can update your preferences to receive all notifications, receive none, or custom notifications. Customizing your preferences will send you email notifications based on topics related to your subscribed policy areas, people, countries, or organizations. 

In addition to your subscribed policy areas, you can also subscribe to other newsletters. This includes Brussels Playbook, London Playbook, EU Confidential, and many others. 

Pro Intelligence

Pro Intelligence email notifications include a daily summary, project updates, and case updates. By default all email notifications are enabled. You can turn off all notifications, or customize to receive select email notifications.

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