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Written by Frank Witte
Updated over a week ago


POLITICO Pro Financial Services delivers concise news — in real time — at the intersection of financial policy, politics, regulation, business and economics.Our team of expert reporters sheds light on the complex world of financial policy and regulation —and breaks news that matters to you.

Policymakers are laying groundwork for action on sustainable finance and fintech. The EU machine is already prime to review legislation in banking, markets, insurance and asset management over the next political cycle.Decision makers are plowing on with rules to implement the last round of lawmaking, from Basel III to MiFID revisions to derivatives oversight. Brexit is forcing a rethink of all this, in Britain as well as the EU27.

Beyond the Brussels Bubble, we’re watching global regulators, too, as they sharpen scrutiny on crypto assets,Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, investment funds, insurance capital and more.


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