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Bookmarking articles

How to bookmark articles in the platform

Frank Witte avatar
Written by Frank Witte
Updated over a week ago

Articles can be accessed from many places on the platform. Bookmarking articles is useful if you're centralizing essential coverage together in one place, sharing knowledge within a collaborative team project, or saving to read later. To bookmark an article:

1.)  Find an article of interest you'd like to bookmark 

2.) When you've found an article you'd like to bookmark, click on the blue "Bookmark" button at the top of articles, the button will change color to yellow, indicating you've now bookmarked an article

3.) You can add an article to multiple Projects, to do so, check the box in the drop down menu next to each specific project, your article will be added to each specific Project

4.)  To view bookmarked articles, click on Projects, select a Project - you will see your bookmarked articles

Please note, when bookmarking an article without selecting a specific Project, the bookmarked article will be placed in your Personal Project.

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