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Projects FAQ

Frequently asked project questions

Frank Witte avatar
Written by Frank Witte
Updated over a week ago

Who can access my projects?
You choose. A Project can have varied levels of access control:

  • Individual (only visible to you)

  • Collaborative (select who has access)

  • Account wide (everyone in your team has access)

Can I create multiple projects?

You can have as many, or as few Projects as you'd like, all dependent on how you like to structure your workflow. Projects often times range in scope from legislation packages, specific topics you're working with, general legislation of interest, or segmented by client.

How can I view my projects?

Your projects can be accessed in a couple of different ways. Clicking Projects from the main navigation will take you to the projects overview, from here you can view the latest developments of tracked items or view the full project details and monitors.

A specific project can be accessed directly hovering on Projects in the main navigation, you’ll see a drop down menu with all of your projects listed. Clicking on a specific project will open the project directly.

How can I add items to projects?

Within your project we support tracking legislation, cases, and parliamentary questions, following legislators, and bookmarking articles. Tracking an item means we'll notify you automatically via email when something happens. If you follow a legislator, you’ll receive an email alert after a plenary contribution or parliamentary question is asked. Bookmarking articles can be useful to centralize POLITICO coverage in one place, share knowledge in a team project, or save to read later.

What is the Personal project in my account?

Within your account, you’ll notice a Project named Personal and within the Project. The Personal project is automatically created for you to ensure your account always has at least one Project to track, follow, and bookmark items. The Personal Project can include any legislation you’re interested in, as well as additional monitors and actions.

Can I see if I’ve tracked items in multiple projects?

Yes, on a tracked item, select the down arrow on the right side of the Track button. If the legislation appears in multiple Projects it will be denoted by a check mark on each given Project. You can also add to additional Project by selecting another checked box.

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