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Leaving a review for your driver
Updated over a week ago

After your trip is complete, you can leave a review for your driver by following the prompt in our app or by tapping the review email or push notification we send you.

Note: The review window opens shortly after the trip ends and remains open for four days after the trip.

Star rating

You can leave a 1-5 star rating based on three key areas: Communication, Timeliness, and Safety. This rating is anonymous and not publicly linked to your profile.

We'll ask you to provide feedback if you rate a driver less than five stars to help us improve your experience. This feedback is optional, confidential, and won’t be shared with the driver.


If your driver doesn’t show up, you can mark them as a no-show. Learn more about no-shows here.

Public review

You have the option to write a public review, which will include your name and a link to your profile. Your public review will be displayed on the driver’s profile, giving other members insight into your experience.

Private notes

You can also send a private note to your driver, which stays between you and the driver. This is useful for sharing personal feedback or mentioning something like a lost item.

Review submission

Your review will be made public after both you and the driver have submitted reviews, or when the review period ends—whichever comes first.

Reviews are final once posted, so please double-check everything before submitting.

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