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Quiz styles & design
Quiz styles & design
Gabe avatar
Written by Gabe
Updated over 2 months ago

By default when you add a quiz to your store we try to match your store's design. However, this may not always work depending on how your theme is built, or sometimes you may want to style your quiz different than your store.

So, for those cases here's an overview of the options to customize the styles and design of your quiz. And if you ever have questions or need help with styling, just ask us!

Styling quiz buttons

You can change the color and radius styling of your quiz buttons in the Styles section of your quiz settings.

Use Shopify sections/blocks to add titles & descriptions

Try using Shopify's blocks and sections to augment your quiz. For example, you can add a title and description to your quiz (example below) using a Shopify Rich Text element.

Example POPSMASH quiz with title and description

Advanced: Using CSS to further customize styling

You can also use CSS to make more advanced styling changes. Learn more about how to use CSS for advanced styling here.

Fixing quiz styling issues

We've tested with the most popular themes, but if you're having issues with your quiz styling not matching your theme, please contact us with a link to the quiz on your store and we'll help you fix it.

POPlink styling

POPlinks are standalone quizzes that are not hosted on your store, so they have their own settings in the styles section.

A POPlink theme style comes with its own background and button styles, but you can override the button styles with the custom styles if you like.

POPSMASH POPlink style settings

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