Appointment Types in PracticeSpace allow you to set the different types of services you provide. Some examples are Individual Therapy, Couples Counselling, Grief Counselling, etc.
If you allow your clients to book appointments on their own, a descriptive title can help them book the right session type.
If you are in the United States and only work with specific insurers, you can add the Insurer's name to the appointment type and set the price to the Copay amount. For example
United/Optum - Copay Session
Aetna - Copay Session
The flow below will walk you through the process of adding a new Appointment type!
1. Log into your PracticeSpace account and navigate to Calendar.
2. In the "Appointments" tab, Click "Appointment Types"
You're now looking at the list of your Appointment Types.
3. Click "Add Appointment Type"
4. Click the "Type Name" field to name this Appointment Type
5. Click "Mode" to select how you'll be connecting with your client during the session: - Secure Video - In Person - Messaging - Telephone
6. Click the "Description:" field to describe the session to your clients
7. Click the "Duration" field to set the length and price of the session
You can add multiple sets of duration and price to the same appointment type. For example, a 30-minute session for $50 and 60-minute session for $100
8. Click "Add Duration & Price"
9. Click on the "Color Coding" dropdown to select a color. Selecting a color for your Appointment Type will display all bookings of this type in the set color on your calendar. This way, you can quickly understand which sessions you have today or this week from the color of the appointment.
10. Click "Save" to ensure that all your changes are saved!
11. You'll be taken back to your list of Appointment Types and the newest addition will be displayed!