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Storybook Library
Updated over 7 months ago

The storybook library is your place to access our robust library of storybooks that are available to be easily integrated into your playroom. These storybooks are designed to be used as they are or can be completely customized.

AI Storybooks Versus Storybooks

In PlaySpace, there are two main types of storybooks: AI Storybooks and standard Storybooks. AI Storybooks are generated with the help of artificial intelligence, offering clients and therapists a chance to create their own personalized stories. AI Storybooks are a great way to ensure that representation is always at the heart of your sessions, clients can see themselves as the main character and navigate through stories that resonate with their own. On the other hand, the standard Storybooks in the Storybook Library are pre-written and can be either used as they are or fully customized to fit your needs. This article will walk you through finding, adding and editing existing Storybooks.

To find storybooks, add them to your library, and edit them, follow these steps:

  1. Go to PlaySpace

2. On the PlaySpace page, click on "Manage" on the Activity Shelf card

3. Click on the Storybook Library tab

4. After you find the storybook or worksheet you want to copy, click on the "Copy" button - this will copy that storybook into the "My Storybooks" tab

5. Click on My Storybooks

6. The Storybook or worksheet you copied will be listed as "Title - copy" and you can click to open it

7. Click edit

8. Edit the storybooks name and customize the pages if you want to (you can add/delete/edit any page)

9. Click the publish toggle once it is complete

10. When in the Playroom, click on the "Read together" Activity shelf to access your storybooks


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