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Controlling borrower Pre Approval Letter Request Access
Controlling borrower Pre Approval Letter Request Access

This guide will help you learn how to limit your borrower's access to Pre-Approval and Pre-Qualification Letters.

Kailey Oswald avatar
Written by Kailey Oswald
Updated over a week ago

Step One: From the Loan Dashboard scroll down to the Loan Officer Approved Scenario and make sure you have a Qualified status.

If you have a Not Qualified status read the red text below the status. The red text will tell you where the error is so you can correct it.

Step Two: Click on the Loan Officer Approved Scenario box, a menu will slide out from the right side of the page. Check that all numbers are correct. Most adjustments can be made from this menu.

Step Three: To fix the Not Qualified status, click on Programs in the menu on the left side of the screen.


Step Four: Using the dropdown menu in the top left corner, make sure you have the correct loan type.


Step Five: Scroll down to Restrictions and edit them to fit your the specific loan. Make sure to Save Changes.


Step Six: After adjusting the loan restrictions, the status of the loan should no be Qualified.

Step Seven: In order for your borrower to request a Pre-Approval Letter, they first have to be in a Loan Status and no longer a Lead. In order to make this change go back to the Loan Dashboard.

Step Eight: From the Control Center on the right side of the Loan Dashboard, use the Processing Status dropdown menu to change the borrower from a Lead to one of the Loan Statuses that are already integrated.


Step Nine: From inside the Control Center you can change the amount of access the borrower has to Pre-Approval Letters. In order to do this, click on View More inside of the Control Center.


Step Ten: There are two toggles to control how much access the borrower has to Pre-Approval Letters. The first option, Allow prequalification requests from the Mobile App, controls if the customer is allowed to request letters from the app.
If you do not want the customer to have that access, toggle the setting off. If you toggle this option off, the customer will have to go through you to get a letter.


If you would like the customer to have the option to request letters, toggle the setting on.


Step Eleven: The second setting allows letters to be automatically sent when a scenario has the Qualified status.

If you don't want the borrower to have a letter automatically sent to them, next to Automatically issue letters for qualified scenarios toggle the option off.


If you do want to have a letter sent to the borrower, next to Automatically issue letters for qualified scenarios toggle the option on.


***NOTE*** We recommend having Allow prequalification requests from the Mobile App and Automatically issue letters for qualified scenarios toggled ON for the best results.

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