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Conditions and Lending Pad
Conditions and Lending Pad

How to successfully view documents uploaded to PAM in Lending Pad.

Kailey Oswald avatar
Written by Kailey Oswald
Updated over a week ago

Step One: From the Loan Dashboard, click on Conditions.


Step Two: After clicking on Conditions, you will be brought to the Conditions page. Click on the file with the uploaded document.


Step Three: Make sure the file is correct, using the dropdown menu on the left side of the Files box, click Accepted.


Another way to accept documents is to drag them down and drop them under the Completed section.


You can also click on the dropdown next to the condition to accept documents.


Step Four: Make sure to click Save Changes and the documents will sync over in a matter of minutes.


Step Five: Next go into the loan in Lending Pad.


Step Six: Now if you click on Documents inside of Lending Pad on the right side of the screen you will see the documents you recently accepted.


Now you can successfully accept and sync documents to Lending Pad!

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