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Adding expiration date to letter on a SPECIFIC loan
Adding expiration date to letter on a SPECIFIC loan

How to add the letter expiration date to letter templates for specific loan files.

Kailey Oswald avatar
Written by Kailey Oswald
Updated over a week ago

Step One: From the Dashboard select the loan from the Loans & Leads list who's letter you want to add the expiration date to.

Step Two: On the right side of the selected loan's dashboard is the Control Center. At the bottom is a button labeled View All Loan Settings. Click this button, and it will open the settings page for the specific loan.

Step Three: On the settings page is a menu on the left side. Find the Pre-Approval Letters menu option and select it. This will open the letter settings page.

Step Four: Click Edit Letter Template to open the letter template editor for all the letters this loan may use.

Step Five: Any blue fields in the letter are Dynamic Text. The dynamic text fields are where the customer's information will be filled in. Letter Expiration is a dynamic text field. After selecting the specific template you want to edit from the drop down, click the </> button the add the dynamic text.


Step Six: Select Loan Details to open the loan details drop-down and then select the Approval Expiration Date option.

Step Seven: Scroll to the bottom of the Insert Dynamic Text window and click Insert.

You will then see the Approval Expiration Date dynamic text added to your letter.

Step Eight: At the top of the screen, click Save Changes to save your new template.


Your letter now has the letter expiration date on it!

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