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Signature on Pre-Approval Letter
Signature on Pre-Approval Letter

How to add a signature to your account and also to the letter template

Kailey Oswald avatar
Written by Kailey Oswald
Updated over a week ago


Step One: Click on the Gear icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

Step Two: After clicking on the Gear icon a menu will come up, click on My Profile on the left side of the menu.

Step Three: Click on the Loan Officer tab from the menu on the left side of the My Profile page.

Step Four: Scroll to the bottom of the Loan Officer page and click on Choose File in the Signature portion. Select the file you would like to upload as your signature.

***Note: Make sure the background of your signature is White, with a JPG, PNG, or BMP file type.***

Step Five: Now that your signature has been uploaded to your profile, it's time to add it to your Pre-Approval Letters. In order to do this, click on the Gear icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step Six: From the pop up menu, choose My Settings if you want to edit your personal letter, or Company Settings if you want to edit the company letter.

***My Settings***

***Company Settings***

Step Seven: From the menu on the left side of the screen, click on Letters under Personalization.

Step Eight: Click on Edit Letter Template.

Step Nine: Once you are in the letter editor, choose the letter template you would like to edit using the dropdown menu.


Step Ten: Scroll down and click the spot where you would like your signature to go, then select the </> symbol in the letter editor menu to insert Dynamic Text.


Step Eleven: After clicking the </> button, the Insert Dynamic Text menu will come up. Select Loan Officer Details.


Step Twelve: Clicking Loan Officer Details will open up another menu, scroll down the list and click Loan Officer Signature.


Step thirteen: After selecting Loan Officer Signature click Insert.


Step Fourteen: Adjust the size of your signature. If it is too big it will push your letter onto the next page and if it is too small it won't look official.


Step Fifteen: After inserting the signature, scroll to the top of the page and click Generate Preview. A new page will open, you should see where the signature will be in your letter. Review the letter and make sure it looks how you want it to when sent out.


Step Sixteen: At the top of the page click Save Changes.


You can now add your signature to your profile and letter!

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