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How To: Download Conditions in Bulk
How To: Download Conditions in Bulk

How to download all pending conditions at one time (for a single loan)

Kailey Oswald avatar
Written by Kailey Oswald
Updated over a week ago

Step One: Inside the loan, click on Conditions.


Step Two: Once you get into Conditions, make sure all conditions you want to download are marked as Accepted. They need to be accepted for this to work...
There are three ways to mark the conditions as Accepted.

Option One: Click on the dropdown arrow, click Accepted.


Option Two: Click and hold the three lines on the far right of your screen, this will allow you to drag and drop your condition into Completed section.


Option Three: First click on Files.


A box will pop up after clicking on Files. Under Condition Status click on the drop down menu and choose the Accepted status. Click Done.


Step Three: There are several ways to approve a document.

Option One: The first way to approve a document is by clicking the status icon to bring down a dropdown menu.


From the dropdown menu, select Accepted.


Option Two: Click on File in the same row as the condition you want to accept.


After clicking File a box will pop up, under Condition Status click the dropdown menu and select Accepted.


In the top right corner of the pop up box, click Done.


Option Three: For this option, simply click and drag the three stacked lines icon on the far right side of the chosen condition, to the Download All Documents section.


You should now be able to download documents in bulk!



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