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View Event
CAU avatar
Written by CAU
Updated over 12 months ago

Within the event, you will find a list of actions you can perform:

Total online billing:You will be able to see the evolution of the turnover of the event, marking how many tickets are sold and the total tickets on sale.

In addition, the average age of buyers, as well as the gender of buyers.

Sales and forecasts: the evolution by type of services: tickets, reservations and lists, compared to other events; so you can always have a simple and clear visibility of the event data, and a comparison between them.

Add Client: To manually add a client, fill out the following required fields (Used to send invitations, go to the corresponding section for more information).

In the following sections of "View Event," you can:

  • Edit the Event: Modify all sections within it.

  • Delete the Event: This option allows you to remove it from the website.

  • Duplicate Event: This function is used to create repetitive events on a weekly, monthly basis, etc., over a period, and will also add the services already created in the original event.

In the following tabs, you can perform the following actions:

  • A. Table Manager: This option is only active for businesses that have a map loaded on the sales website. Here, you can see tickets associated with different areas of the venue. Also, from this option, if you click “Edit Availability,” you can block a VIP area or table and assign the buyer's details.

  • B. Sold Tickets: You can view all purchased, returned, or payment-requested tickets, along with all related data for each (More information can be found in the "Sold Ticket Management" section).

  • C.Sales Report: This tab contains the financial information of the event (More information can be found in the "Listing and Reports" section).

  • D. Access Report: This shows the people who have attended the event (More information can be found in the "Listing and Reports" section).

Finally, you can:

Tickets: View all types of tickets or services the event offers: General Admission, Guest Lists, VIP Areas, etc. You can also modify them by entering each one. Or, if you click on “New Ticket,” you can create new ones.

PR: You can view each PR team associated with that event, as well as its members and their assigned permissions.

If you click on “Export,” you can create an Excel document with all the data from the PR teams.

In the “Add Team”, you will be able to add another PR team.

  • Permissions:


Event promoter: You will only be able to be promoter for that event, have and see your own sales.

Event Admin: You will only be the administrator of that event.

Event Door: You will only be able to scan in the App the tickets of this event.

Business Promoter: Will be promoter of all events, having sales in each one of them.

Business Admin: You will be the administrator of all events.

Business Door: You will be able to scan in the App the tickets of all the events.

Any questions please contact the Premiumguest Team.

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