To create coupons, such as a discount applicable to a specific service, or a special offer, access the “Coupons” section in the sidebar and select the “+ Create Coupon”.
Indicates whether the promotion will be linked to a group of promoters or a specific promoter.
Specify the business, event, and service to which the promotion will be linked.
Define a promotional code (i.e. 10OFF, for a 10% discount).
Specify whether the promotion is a discount or a special offer, selecting a note such as “Coupon type”.
Indicates the value of the discount to apply.
If the promotion will be valid for a certain period of time, indicate the validity dates.
You can activate or deactivate the promotion by changing the “Status”
Finally, if the promotion you are creating will be for one-time use, check the appropriate box “Single-use”.
On the sales web site you can already check that it is working correctly