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Discount code

Coupons or promotions for the tickets.

CAU avatar
Written by CAU
Updated over 11 months ago

To create coupons, such as a discount applicable to a specific service, or a special offer, access the “Coupons” section in the sidebar and select the “+ Create Coupon”.

Indicates whether the promotion will be linked to a group of promoters or a specific promoter.

Specify the business, event, and service to which the promotion will be linked.

Define a promotional code (i.e. 10OFF, for a 10% discount).

Specify whether the promotion is a discount or a special offer, selecting a note such as “Coupon type”.

Indicates the value of the discount to apply.

If the promotion will be valid for a certain period of time, indicate the validity dates.

You can activate or deactivate the promotion by changing the “Status

Finally, if the promotion you are creating will be for one-time use, check the appropriate box “Single-use”.


On the sales web site you can already check that it is working correctly

IMPORTANT NOTE: In "PR" you must choose the PR you want to activate the discount on their personal website, if it is the general website choose the name of the business, and it will be activated for the URL of the general sales website. In this case, it does not work for the personal URL of the PR. 

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