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How To Edit A Challenge

Learn how to edit your Challenges.

Written by Caitlin McDonough
Updated over a week ago

Start by finding your Challenge. Hover over Manage in the Top Navigation Bar, and then select Manage Challenges. This will take you to the Challenge Management page, which lets you search and filter for specific Challenges under your organization.

Find the Challenge that you would like to edit, and under its Manage dropdown, click Edit.

You are now on the 'Edit Challenge' page. This page functions nearly identically to the 'Create Challenge' page, in that it displays all of the information that you are able to edit, modify, and save.

Work your way through the form and edit the fields that you have access to. Please note for Pre-built redeemed Labs from the Marketplace, there is a limited number of fields you can modify.

Edits to consider:

Challenge Details

  • Status

  • Privacy

  • Publish or not publish

  • Eligibility requirements

  • Maximum # of submitted projects

  • Minimum # of imported badges

  • Minimum # of achievement trophies

  • Minimum Rank # requirement


  • Restricted vs flexible days

  • Challenge deadline

  • Scheduled announcement


  • Prize name, description, image

Pitch and Assessment

  • Default pitch template for project submission


  • Sponsor details and image


  • Custom Challenge agreement


  • Labs and Lab Programs associated to this Challenge


  • Resources, Resource Collections and Resource Groups associated to this Challenge

Once you have finished editing your Challenge, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Update Challenge' button to save your changes.

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