If you're looking to adapt existing training material, or build something custom for your learners, building your own Lab is an excellent option. This article will guide you through the Lab creation process.
Looking to deliver Labs with minimal setup time? Check out the Lab Marketplace.
Start by hovering over Create in the Top Navigation bar, and click on Create a Lab.
First, select the My Labs tab at the top of the page - then click Create Lab. From this page you will be able to build out your Lab.
Once you are on the Create a Lab page, upload the cover image for the lab, you can either select the Choose a file to upload button or click anywhere on the image, you will then be shown a window to select the image. Once you select an image it will appear as the banner image.
Scrolling down, you will be able to add the name of your Lab Title, a Description for your lab, if you are a super-admin, admin, Organization manager, or Free Organization manager, you will be able to select the Organization you’ve created or been invited to.
You may select the Lab Location and Language Lab Tags as well as Category Type, in which you can choose the category in which the lab will be listed.
Scrolling down lower, you will find Skills and Tags, in which you will be able to add associated skills and tags to the lab. The Groups field will allow you to input associated groups of labs or challenges.
Under “External Links” you will find the Social Media button where you may select social media channels and enter the appropriate URL.
At the bottom of the page there are three buttons: Cancel, Save Lab, Continue, and Back.
If you select the Cancel button, you will be prompted with a pop up that will ask if you are sure you want to exit this page or if you want to cancel this action. Save Lab will save all the work you’ve input and reload the page to the presentation title of your lab.
Continue will take you to the next page, but if you’ve left any required fields blank, you will get a pop up error message.
The Back button is only visible on the second page of the lab creation. It will allow you to visit previous pages to correct errors or input new information.
Once all the Lab details are filled out and you continue to the next page, it’s time to set the Lab Privacy, which can either be set to Private or Public.
On the next page you will get the chance to upload an image for the achievement. You can then Customize Lab Achievement by adding Achievement Title, Awarded Points and Achievement Conditions.
On the next page, the next step is to select Challenges and Challenge Paths to associate with your lab, if any challenges and challenge paths are available then they will show up in the windows.
You may Search for Challenges or Challenge Paths by typing its name in the search field. On the right hand side of the screen, there are two tabs Challenges and Challenge Path, you can easily select challenges or challenge paths by clicking on the Add Challenge button or Add Path button. You may also Preview those challenges/challenge paths before selecting them.
Whichever Challenges or Challenge Paths you select will pop up in the window on the right under Selected Challenges and Challenge Paths. You can remove any Challenges or Challenge Paths you no longer wish to include by clicking the Remove Challenge/Challenge Path button. At the top of the window on the right, there is a toggle button which allows you to require challenges to be completed sequentially.
Continuing on to the next page, you’ll find Resources, Collections and Groups, which you may associate with your lab. You may browse resources, collections and groups through the Search field. You may add resources, collections and groups through the three tabs on the left. Whichever resources, collections and groups you select will show up in the window on the right, exactly like the previous page. At the top of the window on the right, there is a toggle button which allows you to require resources to be completed sequentially.
In order to save and publish the lab click Save Lab.