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What is an assessment?

Learn what assessments are and how they work.

Written by Thomas Graham
Updated over a year ago

In PreprLabs, assessments are rubrics used to evaluate projects submitted to a Challenge.

There are two kinds of assessments in PreprLabs:

  • Closed assessments: These are only available to people you specifically invite as assessors. Closed assessments are useful for remote learning and innovation contests.

  • Open assessments: These are open to anybody with access to the Challenge. Open assessments are useful as a voting system for events like hackathons.

When users are invited to a closed assessment, they are presented with an evaluation interface.

Assessments can be set via the Pitch & Assessment section in the Challenge Edit interface. Here, you can control the exact criteria that make up the assessment rubric, in addition to the weight of and scores assignable to each criterion.

Depending on how the assessment was configured, users can see how their project was assessed.

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