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Challenge Detail Section Fields
Challenge Detail Section Fields

What the fields in the Challenge Detail section control.

Written by Thomas Graham
Updated over a week ago

The Challenge details section lets you control basic info about your Challenge. This step contains the following fields:

  • Cover image: This picture will show up next to your Challenge's name anywhere it is listed. Your image must be a PNG or JPEG file with dimensions greater than 625px by 355px. You can also set it as an embedded video from YouTube or Vimeo.

Under the Add Challenge details section, you have the following fields:

  • Challenge title: Your Challenge's name. This must be different from other Challenges on the platform, and shorter than 70 characters.

  • Description: More information about your Challenge. This field uses a rich text editor, so you can format your description as needed.

  • Category: What kind of audience you expect this Challenge to be for.

  • Organizations: Which Organization you want this Challenge to belong to.

  • Source link: An external link where people can learn about your Challenge.

  • Status: Whether your Challenge is open for submissions, or closed for evaluations. Most of the time, you'll want to leave this to 'Open.'

  • Privacy of Challenge: Whether you want this Challenge to be visible and joinable by the general user base, or only through invitation.

  • Publish: Whether you want this Challenge to be visible and joinable at all.

  • Privacy of submitted projects: Whether you want the projects submitted to this Challenge to be visible to other Challenge participants.

  • Challenge skill: Which skills this Challenge builds or showcases.

  • Skill groups and sets: Which skill groups and skill stacks this Challenge builds or showcases.

  • Add tags: Extra tags for categorization, such as length and difficulty.

Under the Eligibility requirements section, you have the following fields:

  • Project submission requirements: What participants need to do before their project is eligible for submission.

  • Allow submission of previously submitted projects: Allow participants to resubmit projects from other Challenges for this Challenge.

  • Completed education profile & program requirement: Require participants fill out all of their profile details before submitting their projects.

  • Maximum # of project submissions: The maximum number of projects this Challenge will accept as submissions.

  • Maximum # of associated projects: The maximum number of projects this Challenge will accept, including projects re-submitted from other Challenges.

  • Completed experience profile & minimum # years of experience: Require participants to fill out the 'Experience' section of their profile. Checking this off reveals the 'Enter minimum years of experience' field.

  • Minimum # of imported badges: Require participants to import a minimum number of badges to their profile before they can join this Challenge.

  • Minimum # of achievement trophies: Require participants to have a minimum number of achievements before they can join this Challenge.

  • Minimum # rank requirement: Require a minimum Learning Rank to participate.

  • Additional requirements: Any further requirements.

Note that you will have to manually administer any requirements you put in the 'Additional Requirements' field.

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