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Pitch & Assessment Fields

Learn what the fields in the Pitch & Assessment step of Challenge creation do.

Written by Thomas Graham
Updated over a week ago

The Pitch & Assessment section lets you set what written materials participants need to provide in their project.

The Pitch Template dropdown hosts a variety of default options, in addition to:

  • Any pitch template: Lets participants choose which pitch they want to use.

  • Create a new pitch template: This allows you to build a custom pitch template.

Creating a custom pitch

If you choose to create a new pitch template, you will be presented with the following interface:

Clicking the Add Pitch Section control adds a new field for your participants to fill out when completing their project. Each pitch section has two parts to configure:

  • Title: The name of the section.

  • Description: Further details and directions on the section.

Clicking the Add Task control adds a new item for your participants to check off when completing their project. Each task requires a name.

Challenge assessment

This section allows you to choose which Assessment type you want this Challenge to have. Assessments let you pick out exceptional projects submitted to your Challenge. There are three assessment types available:

  • No evaluation: Disables assessments for this Challenge.

  • Closed evaluation: Allows invite-only assessments.

  • Open evaluation: Allows anyone to assess projects submitted to this Challenge.

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