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How much can I earn?
Benjamin Ritzka avatar
Written by Benjamin Ritzka
Updated over a week ago

There is no limit on how much you can earn. The more surveys you complete, the more you earn!

Good members can earn between $200 to $300 per month. Our top members earn up to $800 per month.

To maximize your earnings, take advantage of our functionality.

Weekly Streak

Complete at least one (1) daily survey to keep your streak active. Every seven (7) days of your streak, you can draw a free prize. The prizes vary between 50 to 1000 Points, random Bonus Codes from 10%, 20% - 50%.


Reach new levels by completing surveys to receive additional Points. (Additional benefits and rewards for Diamond tier are in the works! Watch out for announcements!)

How Levels works

Level 1-4 - Blue

Level 5 - 10 - Bronze - Live Chat Support

Level 11 - 20 - Silver - Bonus Day (Different features from the regular Bonus Codes or Codes won from Streaks and not stackable.)

Level 21 - 30 - Gold - Reward Discount

Level 31 + level - Diamond - Early Access to New Features!


Complete ten (10) surveys to get access to our weekly Leaderboard. Every week, we award our best members thousands of additional Points.

Refer a friend

Refer friends to Prime Opinion and get extra points for every friend who redeems their initial reward or cash out.

Need further assistance? Reach out to our Support Team!

We're here for you 24/7!

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