How to: Confirm a Hold

Learn about how to confirm a show, send confirmation emails, and what changes on a show once it confirms.

Rosie Scanga avatar
Written by Rosie Scanga
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to confirm a hold: through the Status dropdown in an event page, or from a Hold on the Prism calendar. When a show is confirmed, you also have the ability to send out an email notification to selected Prism with a direct link to the event.

Confirming from the Event Page

Tip: Use this method for confirming an event for more than one day.

  1. In the top right-hand corner, click the status dropdown and select "Confirmed"

  2. On the next screen, select the relevant date(s) for the event.

  3. Click on "Confirm Show." And boom, you're done!

  4. If you ever need to unconfirm the show, simply select "Hold" in that same dropdown and the relevant holds will be restored on the calendar.

Confirming From the Calendar

  1. Click on the hold for the day that you would like to confirm. (Note that if you would like to confirm multiple days, use the method described above to select multiple dates.)

  2. Click on the purple "Confirm" button.

  3. You will be given the options to 1) "Send confirmation email" which will send an email notification that the hold has been confirmed for the specified date to the users listed, and 2) "Check to clear all relevant holds on this day" which will clear all other holds for that stage on that day, if selected.

  4. Click "Confirm."

Confirmed Show Notifications

You also can have the option to send a notification email to a list of users if the organization level setting is enabled. To activate confirmation notification emails for your account, visit Settings > Notifications > Notifications Preferences. Then on the Team page (Settings > Permissions > Team) check the "Send Confirmation Email" for any users that should receive the email by default.

Confirmation emails contain a link to the show and information about show date and location.

If you are looking for ways to create a Confirmation sheet, check out our article on Advancing in Prism.

Notable changes when a show is confirmed:

  • If the 'Copy Costs on Confirm' toggle in your Prism Organization Settings is switched ON, Estimates will copy over as the Actuals in your cost tables, while Offer Budget amounts will copy over to the Settlement column.

  • If the toggle is switched OFF, Actuals and Settlement amounts will be set to 0 upon confirmation. (Note: Actuals or Settlement amounts that are manually updated in an events' Cost tab will not be cleared or set to 0 if the event is un-confirmed and re-confirmed at any time, regardless of this toggle's setting.

  • The Internal Settlement tab will now allow you to toggle between your Internal Estimates and Actuals, instead of your Internal Estimates and Potential numbers

  • The ability to link tickets to your ticketing vendor will appear on the Revenue tab. 

  • The ability to preview the show's settlement document will appear within the Deals tab. 

If you have any questions, contact!

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