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Additional Revenue Included in Net Gross
Additional Revenue Included in Net Gross

How to handle dynamic pricing for platinum lifts or premium lifts included in the artist payout.

Rosie Scanga avatar
Written by Rosie Scanga
Updated over a week ago

Additional Revenue that is included in the Net Gross will help you track additional revenue on a show, for example additional revenue from dynamic pricing, that needs to be factored into the artist deal and the payout. For Promoters, Additional Revenue on events that is not included in the Net Gross will only appear in the Internal Settlement and not externally on any documents.

For Promoters

Use the "Include in Net Gross" toggle to include an amount after taxes and fees in the Net Gross number that is split with the Artist (or the Renter in the case of a ticketed rental). The Net Gross is (Total Ticket Gross - Total Facility Fees and other Pre-settlement Fees - Taxes).

Any amount added to the Net Gross using this toggle will not be taxed or have fees deducted. This can be useful for adding additional revenue from dynamic pricing onto an Artist/Renter payout. The amount that is added to the Net Gross will then be split based on Artist or Rental deal.

In the example below, let's say the Net Gross Ticket Sales (which is after taxes and fees) are $10,000 and the artist deal on the event is a Plus Deal $1,000 plus 50% of Net Gross. Let's say another $2,000 is added for Platinum lift making the revenue to split $12,000. The artist would then be paid $1,000 + .5*12,000 = $7,000.

If an additional revenue item needs to be split with the artist at a different percentage than the deal, track the additional revenue but leave the "Include in Net Gross" toggle off and use an Artist Bonus adjustment to add on the lift amount instead with "Affects External Settlement Only" off. This will allow you to track both the incoming additional revenue and the outgoing amount that is paid to the artist for the Internal Settlement.

If the additional revenue included in the net gross needs to be taxed, calculate what the taxed amount should be and add that as additional internal revenue instead of adding the Pre-tax amount.

To include additional revenue in the Net Gross on Offers, add an amount to the "Est. Amount" column. To include it at settlement, include an amount in the "Actual Amount" column.

For Agents

Additional Revenue Included in Net Gross can be used to track show revenue on top of ticket sales that should be split with the artist like a lift from dynamic pricing.

Anything added in this section will be added to the Net Gross on the show. If the artist deal is a Plus, Versus, or Door Deal, the percentage split will factor in the Additional Revenue amount included in Net Gross.

The Net Gross is (Total Ticket Gross - Total Facility Fees and other Pre-settlement Fees - Taxes).

In the example below, let's say the Net Gross Ticket Sales (which is after taxes and fees) are $10,000 and the artist deal on the event is a Plus Deal $1,000 plus 50% of Net Gross. Let's say another $2,000 is added for Platinum lift making the revenue to split $12,000. The artist would then be paid $1,000 + .5*12,000 = $7,000.

If an additional revenue item needs to be split with the artist at a different percentage than the deal, use an adjustment to add the amount onto their payout.

To include additional revenue in the Net Gross on Contracts, add an amount to the "Est. Amount" column. To include it at Settlement, include an amount in the "Actual Amount" column.

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