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How to create a URL field in a NetSuite Bill that links to the Procurify Bill
How to create a URL field in a NetSuite Bill that links to the Procurify Bill
Updated over a year ago

The following article pertains to Syncing Bills to NetSuite. For more, see NetSuite Integration Workflows.

Our NetSuite Bill Sync integration provides the ability to create a clickable URL on your NetSuite Bill form to the Bill in Procurify.

Preparing the field in NetSuite:

You may need to contact your NetSuite administrator to perform the following steps if you do not have Form Customization Privileges.

    1. From the NetSuite Top menu bar, hover over TransactionsPayables and click Enter Bills to open your default vendor bill form.

    2. Near the top right of the form, hover over Customize and select New Body Field

    3. Enter the following information:

      • LABEL: Procurify Bill URL

      • ID: _pfybillurl

      • TYPE: Select Hyperlink from the dropdown menu

      • DESCRIPTION: Link to the bill in Procurify

      • Validate that PURCHASE is selected under the Applies To section. (This should be selected by default).

    4. Next, click Display from the submenu bar

    5. Select Main from the SUBTAB dropdown menu

    6. On the blue Save button, select Save & Apply to Forms. You may need to hover over the downwards pointing arrow to have the option appear.

    7. This will bring up the Apply Custom Field to Forms menu. Ensure the SHOW box is selected for your Bill form. Configure the SHOW box for any other form where you’d want this field to appear. For example, it’s possible to select the field to appear on your Purchase Order forms so you may wish to untick the box for these forms.

    8. Click the blue Save button when you’re done.

When you open your Bill form again in NetSuite, you will see the PROCURIFY BILL URL field show in the header. The position of this field may vary based on your custom bill form. Your Bill form can be further configured to move the field.

Updating the mapping in Procurify to generate a URL

The following steps explain how to map the Bill URL from Procurify to the field created in the steps above, and must be completed by Superuser or a user with custom Integration Settings Permissions.

  1. Navigate Settings → Integrations

  2. Click on View under Oracle NetSuite for Bills to view Bills mapping.

  3. Scroll down to the Advanced custom field mapping section and click the Edit button.

  4. Click Add new field

    • From the Select a source dropdown, select Procurify bill url

    • In the Enter NetSuite field ID box. Enter custbody_pfybillurl.

    • Click the Save button at the bottom.

Any Bill that is newly synced to NetSuite will now display the Procurify URL for the bill. Please note that this does not apply to bills synced to NetSuite prior to completing the setup above.

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