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How to update your Procurify bundle in your NetSuite Sandbox
Updated over a year ago


[Update: Jan 1, 2024] Due to a NetSuite bundle update process issue which we are currently investigating, please do not update your Procurify Bundle in your sandbox or production domains provide further instructions as they become available.

Why should I update the Procurify Bundle?

Updating the Procurify Bundle in NetSuite can be required to solve bugs or get access to new features.

What are the risks?

The inherent workings of NetSuite and the customized mapping you may have received when setting up the bundle may cause an update to result in sync errors or some information missing from synced Purchase Order. Therefore, we recommend following this process to update the bundle only for your Sandbox domain and to contact our Support team if any issues occur. If you do not feel comfortable following this process or have faced issues in the past, please reach out to Support.

A bundle update failure will only affect future syncs. All information currently in NetSuite is unaffected. As it is Sandbox, this would not affect any live financial information or cause downtime for your accounting team. Contact Support, and we’ll be happy to correct any mapping errors that the update may have caused!

How to perform the update

1. In NetSuite, navigate to Customization → SuiteBundler → Search & Install Bundles → List.


2. Look for Procurify under the Name column.

3. If you see them ! exclamation icon under the Version Number, which means your bundle needs to be updated. If you don't see it, you are already on the latest version and can stop here. Best Practice: Write down your current version and the version you’re upgrading to. This information will be useful for our Support team should issues occur. Versions older than 2.11.5 are likely to require a mapping update. If your version is lower than 2.11.5, please contact before doing an Update.


4. If you wish to update to the latest version, click on the green settings icon and click Update.


5. The Preview Bundle Update screen will appear. Review the settings and select Update Bundle.


You are done! You have updated to the latest version of the Procurify bundle.

The bundle has been updated. What next?

To ensure all your customized mapping still works as designed, we recommend performing a series of tests and inspecting the information moving across between Procurify and NetSuite to make sure it comes in as expected.

First, open up two extra browser tabs. Open one up for your Procurify Sandbox domain and navigate to the NetSuite Sync Records page under Settings - Integrations - NetSuite (view button). For the second tab, navigate to your NetSuite sandbox instance and open up the Procurify Error Resolution log (under Procurify - Configuration from the top bar).

If, at any point in the steps below, information fails to flow between Procurify and NetSuite, inspect both pages you just opened for details on the error. Take corrective actions if they’re clear and retry the sync. If they’re unclear or you cannot correct them, contact our Support team.

In your original browser tab, where you made the bundle update, first, navigate to your NetSuite Procurify Configuration page and ensure the Subsidiary you are testing is linked to your Procurify Sandbox domain. This is critical to avoid your live POs syncing to your NetSuite sandbox.

Here are the tests we recommend :

  1. Create a new account in your NetSuite Chart of Accounts and tick the Sync to Procurify checkbox. Save this account and see if it correctly shows up in your Procurify Chart of Accounts. Note: this is where your tab looking at the Procurify NetSuite Sync Records comes in useful; refresh that page to see the latest sync details rather than hunt through your Procurify domain for the results.

  2. Create a new Vendor and fill in the Terms and contact information and tick the Sync to Procurify checkbox. Examine the results in your Procurify domain to ensure all the information shows up. Note: Pick Terms that already exist in your Procurify domain or first perform a PaymentTerm sync.

  3. In your Procurify Sandbox domain, create and approve a Purchase Order. Ensure that this PO includes information in all fields you expect to see in the NetSuite PO, including the optional ones.

  4. Execute a Purchase Order sync in your NetSuite sandbox and inspect the PO that came in. Ensure all fields you’ve entered in Procurify are filled as expected in NetSuite. If any information is missing or the PO fails to sync with errors that you cannot correct, stop here and contact our Support team.

  5. If everything on the PO looks okay, receive the items in Procurify and execute an Item Receipt Lines sync in NetSuite to ensure receiving works as expected.

  6. If everything is good so far, take the time to test a few more POs in your Sandbox with different variations representing your typical usage.

  7. If everything is going well so far, now is a great time to also test any new feature, like our NetSuite Inventory Item to Procurify Catalog sync!

If all tests are successful and you wish to update your Production NetSuite the same way, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Support team before doing so and let us know how it went with your Sandbox, including version numbers you’ve previously noted down. We will advise you on the recommended next steps to minimize any potential sync downtime for your Production domain.

Additional Information:

  • If the update is unsuccessful and you can't resolve the error, contact our support team for assistance.

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