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Video 2: Fixing Blank App Screen
Shevaughn avatar
Written by Shevaughn
Updated over a week ago

When first entering the app, some users see a blank screen when they first try to access the app. This is caused by popup blockers on various browsers and can be easily fixed by allowing popups from your Shopify store.


So the app is not loading on some versions of Safari because Safari does not consider the "cookies" set inside the Shopify iframe and only recognizes those cookies if they were first set outside the iframe.

So here's what to do, to let your Safari browser know that this app is a valid page to load:

Start by going straight to:

1. If it auto-redirects to the store, please, logout and access it again

2. Log into your store, go again to Apps, click again on Product Customizer

3. This time you (after about 2-3 seconds), you should be able to see the app load up! Yay! :)

>>> ON CHROME BROWSERS: Follow this quick video to show you what to do on the Chrome browser as an example...

Questions or issues? Please email our tech support using the contact links on this site, and we will be back with you very soon!

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