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Bulk Removing Options from Products
Shevaughn avatar
Written by Shevaughn
Updated over 3 years ago

To edit several products at once, you can bulk-remove options from your products. This will allow you to remove specific options from the selected products, making it easy to remove specific options from several products at once. You can also remove all options from the products, which clears out any customization options that have been added.

To get started, select the products that you want to remove options from. If you are viewing more than 10 products at a time, your results may be paginated. You can still extend the bulk selector to other pages to get all products by clicking "Select all ## matching products":

Removing Specific Options

Once you've selected all products that you want to remove options from, you can choose the "Remove options" bulk action.

You can now search for options that you want to remove from the selected products by the name you've entered for the option. You can add one or more options to remove from the products at this step.

Once you've selected all options you want to remove from these products, you can click "Remove Options":

This will remove only the options you've selected from the products you've selected. It will not delete parent options; it just removes them (child options) from the products.

Removing All Options

If you want to remove all options from products rather than selecting specific actions, you'll still select products from which you want to remove options. Then, choose the "Remove all options" bulk action instead. This will confirm that you want to remove all options from the products. This does not delete your options; it simply removes them from these products.

Once you've confirmed your removal action, all options will be removed from the selected products.

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