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Task Folders

Organize tasks efficiently with multiple folders in Productive, allowing flexible task grouping and easy management within projects.

Updated over 6 months ago

Task folders in Productive offer a powerful way to enhance task management, especially for those using project management features extensively.

This feature allows you to organize tasks and task lists into multiple folders within the same project, making it easier to manage large volumes of tasks.

Using Task Folders

  1. Accessing Task Folders

    Within a project, locate the Folder dropdown menu located to the left to view and select different folders.

  2. Active Folder

    The currently active folder is highlighted in violet for easy identification.

  3. Folder Picker

    Use the Folder picker option to select or set a default folder (marked with a bookmark icon).

  4. Viewing Task Lists

    Clicking on any folder will display all task lists within that folder.

  5. Rearranging Folders

    You can rearrange folders using the drag-and-drop feature.

  6. Additional Actions

    Click on the three-dot menu to the right of the folder name to reveal actions such as editing, archiving or duplicating the folder or adding a new task list to the folder in question.

How to Use Multiple Folders

The main idea behind multiple folders is to simplify and improve task management. You can create as many folders as needed within a single project and set up different task lists for each folder. Here are some examples of how to organize your folders:

  • By Sprints

    Create folders for different sprints (e.g., Sprint 1, Sprint 2, Sprint 3) and organize tasks accordingly.

  • By Weeks

    Set up folders for each week (e.g., W1, W2, W3) to manage weekly tasks.

  • By Priority

    Create folders based on priority levels (e.g., High Priority, Low Priority, Backlog) to streamline workflow management.

Moving Tasks Between Folders

To move tasks between folders:

  1. Set Up Task Lists

    Ensure each folder has task lists. Tasks cannot be moved without a task list.

  2. Select Tasks

    Choose the tasks you want to move. A task menu will appear at the top of the screen.

  3. Select the Three-Dot Menu

    Open the menu and select "Change task list" to view all available boars and task lists you can move your task(s) to.

  4. Update Task List
    Select the new folder task list from the menu and click "Move" to move the tasks.

Archiving Folders

To archive a folder:

  1. Archive Folder

    Click on "Archive folder" in the folder options accessed through the three-dot menu.

  2. Manage Archived Folders

    Open the project sidebar, and select Manage archived folders under the Archived section.

  3. Restore Archived Folders
    Click the restore icon next to the folder you want to reactivate.

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