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Save and Manage Automations

Learn how to save and edit Automations in Productive.

Updated over 4 months ago

Saving the Automation Rule

After you have created your Automation, the very last step is to save it by clicking on the "Save" button in the upper right corner in the Automation builder.

Check the flag color at the bottom of your automation:

  • Green means all steps (triggers, conditions, and actions; the when, check if, and then steps) are set, ready to execute;

  • Red means some steps are missing and need revisiting!

To delay activation, switch to "Inactive" in the Status dropdown before saving the automation. This is useful when you're setting up automations for future use; you can activate it later as needed.

When saving, you'll be prompted to name and describe your rule. This name and description will appear on the main Automations screen.

You'll also notice two automation types, identified by their icons:

  • Action-based automations (triggered by user actions).

  • Time-based automations (triggered at specific times, e.g., every Friday or the first day of the month). Time triggers are currently in Beta—learn more about them here.

Managing your Automation Rules

Access and manage all your automations via Settings > Automations. From this screen, you can:

  • Add a new automation (+ New Automation).

  • Activate/Deactivate an automation by toggling it on/off.

  • Edit an automation by refining its When, Check if, and Then steps.

  • Rename the automation or update its description.

  • Inspect the automation's performance by tracking its runs.

  • Delete an automation if it's no longer needed.

🤖 Tip: Click "Show runs" to track how many times an Automation has run. This helps gauge its effectiveness and performance over time!

Learn more about the monthly runs here.

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