Is it okay to run Deals during repricing period?
Updated over a week ago

Yes, Deals can be run during repricing, but certain steps should be taken:

  1. During the kickoff, we'll inquire about deal involvement. Note that valid list prices are crucial for successful deals. In case prices are raised, the list price might become invalid for deals. To be cautious, an initial 15% list price increase is often recommended.

  2. Throughout repricing, if list prices are found to be invalid for deals, prompt communication is important. Upon notification, we can guide you in adjusting the list prices.

  3. Future plans involve exploring automated list price adjustments. This includes possible programmatic changes or setting a max price limit for list prices. This maintains list price validity while enhancing your pricing strategy.

  4. For products with deals, prices can't be lower than the deal price of the past 30 days. To achieve this, minimum prices might need to be set at least 20% higher than the deal price.

Please note that these steps will also affect other product attributes, including the strikethrough price.

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