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ASIN Qualification and Input Sheet
ASIN Qualification
I have some of my child ASINs not qualified. Is it possible to include them in repricing so that they change prices at same time?
I have some of my child ASINs not qualified. Is it possible to include them in repricing so that they change prices at same time?
Updated over a week ago

Certainly, you can include child ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number) that might not initially qualify for repricing. We offer the option of synchronous pricing, where all child ASINs can have their prices changed together, even if some are not qualified initially. This maintains the existing pricing structure by adjusting prices of variants under the same parent ASIN at the same rate.

Alternatively, we also provide asynchronous pricing, allowing you to reprice child ASINs independently from one another. Both approaches cater to your needs, providing flexibility in how you manage your ASINs' pricing.

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