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Customization and Repricing Strategies
Listing Suppression
Can you guarantee that our repriced ASINs won’t be affected by Amazon listing suppression even if we sell higher price on Amazon vs other sales channels?
Can you guarantee that our repriced ASINs won’t be affected by Amazon listing suppression even if we sell higher price on Amazon vs other sales channels?
Updated over a week ago

While we cannot guarantee that there will be no instances of listing suppression, we can assure you that if it does occur, we will promptly revert back to the original price.

In the near future however, listing suppression will not be a problem as our team is actively working on an automation solution that will adjust the maximum prices for our Amazon ASINs based on the current maximum prices on other sales channels.

This will ensure that Amazon prices will always remain competitively priced for optimal profit whilst staying within the price range on other sites.

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