Does Profasee support repricing for FBA and FBM pricing?
Updated over a week ago

Currently, we don't support FBA/FBM pricing, but it's a feature we can consider if it's important to you. I'd like to mention that the engineering work to implement FBA/FBM pricing isn't complicated.

Here's how it would work: Each day, we set an optimal price, which becomes the FBA price. Then, the FBM price will be automatically set at a fixed percentage lower than the optimal FBA price. You'd also have the flexibility to define how much lower you want the FBM price to be using the Input Sheet, or you can let us set it at 5% lower.

Additionally, both the minimum and maximum FBM prices would also be adjusted lower by x%. However, please note that we won't be able to support custom or fixed FBM prices. In essence, the FBM price will always move in line with the optimal price, just x% lower, as per your specifications.

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